Well, if you don't, let me tell you and let you know
he's the sweetest man that I've ever had, seriously.
And I just want to tell you about him. Me and him. Our story.
kalo orang bilang ini suatu kebetulan, udah pasti bukan. karena pernah ada pepatah yang bilang "gaada sesuatu yang kebetulan, karena semuanya udah diatur sama Tuhan" begitu juga sama kisah cinta gue. semua berawal ketika kita dipersatukan di kelas 82. kita jadian tanggal 26 januari 2009, pas imlek. kata orang cina, imlek itu membawa banyak berkah (yaa gue berharap jadian gue membawa berkah)
mau tau kenapa lagu viva la vida itu berarti banget buat gue?jadi gini....
xl : lg apaaa?
gue : lagi tdrn aja, kamu?
xl : lg dengerin lagu...
gue : lagu apaaaa?
xl : lagunya coldplay, viva la vida. dengerin deh
gue : okeoke
trs lgsg kan gue cari trs gue download dari google trs gue dengerin. oneday, dia ngirim grafiti ini di wall fb gue, nah dari situ jadi lagu viva la vida itu kenangan banget buat gue. sampe skrg gue masih suka nangis kalo denger lagu itu :(
viva la vida - viva la 2619

kalo ini digambarin sama citra, waktu masih sebulanan jadian kalo ga salah

kalo ini digambarin sama citra, waktu masih sebulanan jadian kalo ga salah
dan sampe skrg gue masih inget kata2nya, entah dia gombal atau apa tapi dia pernah bilang "sumpah aku bahkan ga akan mau pernah ngedipin mataku sepersekian detikpun kalo liat kamu kyk tadi"
too many sweet things that he had done to me. kalo ga percaya baca aja blog gue dari awal. and you can see how much i love him. because this blog is dedicated for him,too.
and every begin has it own end. just like mine, at our 9th months anniversary, at the same time we broke up.
too many sweet things that he had done to me. kalo ga percaya baca aja blog gue dari awal. and you can see how much i love him. because this blog is dedicated for him,too.
and every begin has it own end. just like mine, at our 9th months anniversary, at the same time we broke up.
I would thank him for all he had done for me these past 9 months as my boyfriend. Thanks for being such a good and sweet boyfriend. You've given me lots of things. I've learned so much from you. You teach me how to live, you teach me how to love. You teach me not to be a selfish person. You teach me how to think mature.
Thanks for everything.
Actually, I really can't let you go. But yeah, I don't wanna be selfish.
I would try to love you, as my big brother as my friend. Always.
Thanks for everything.
Actually, I really can't let you go. But yeah, I don't wanna be selfish.
I would try to love you, as my big brother as my friend. Always.
I know nothing lasts forever. All that we can do is make it good, do the best that we can.
And make it worth to remember,
And make it worth to remember,
huaaaaaaaaaah udah ah gile postingnya kepanjangan nih
ps : i did it, i make it worth to remember....forever :)
huaaaaaaaaaah udah ah gile postingnya kepanjangan nih
ps : i did it, i make it worth to remember....forever :)
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