
Huge world, much stories, big problems, wide smiles. Welcome to my world.bernadette indah larasati, xoxo.

Sabtu, 25 Juli 2009

6th months anniversary of laxel

iyel, happy 6th months anniversary for us yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ♥♥♥

wish us all the greatest and happiness! i do, still and always love you yesterday, today, and forever. may the love we share always keep us together


oh ya, aku lagi pengen share foto2 kita nih. abisnya bosen. besok ulangan mtk tapi aku blm belajar apa-apa mihihi. kamu juga tadi pagi cuma bales sms aku doang yang ngucapin anniversary. abis itu ga sms aku lg sampe skrg, jadinya bosen deh hihi akhirnya aku iseng pengen mamerin ini :pppp

hihi udah ah ntar pada ngiri lg (apabanget) wakakak ya ampun liat deh disitu gue masih jadoeeeel giddu. Iyelnya juga hahahaha. dari foto itu dibuktikan (cie) setelah setengah tahun bersama Iyel dan gue sama-sama berubah. everything changes, everybody changes, but love will remains the same right? :)

yel, aku minta ijin yaaaaa mempublikasikan surat kamu yang waktu itu aku pergi ke jogja, gpp yaaaaaaaaaa? hihi

to : my piece of heart, laras

one day, i wish you realize that i've already search anywhere to find my true love. but i just wasting my love and life. because i already find it. it was in your heart. your beautiness, your heart, you gave it for me.

as i miss you, i will find you. as i need you, i will get you more. as i love you, i have your heart. the pain, the sickness, all the misery is gone once you came in my life. you change my whole life.

love is blind and i know that my heart was blinded by you and your love. godgrace covered me trough your love. you see trough my heart. you uncover all my secret.

you stitch my threads of love. so it became a great masterpiece. you make me.........

fall in love

i hope you believe it


from : axel azarya pratama

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa iyel so sweet bgt sih kamu HAHAHAHAHA gue seneng panasnya iyel udah turun, dan dia uda lumayan fit, hihi berarti doa aku semalem dikabulin Tuhan dong ya?heeeeem big thaaaaanks for Jesus, my saviour

happy anniversary yel! i love you more than anything

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