niatnya pengen posting ttg Iyel
cuma sekarang bingung mau ngmg apa
eh eh
udah tau blm gue sayang banget sama Iyel?
uda tau blm kalo gue pengen sm Iyel terus?
dia itu baik,kocak tp iseeeeeeng banget
kalo di sekolah iyel sombong
gamau nyapa duluan
sok sok pura2 ga kenal gt wakakakak
terus kalo sms balesnya singkat2 gt, nyebelin gak sih?!!!
eh tapi
kalo gue lagi beduaan ama iyel
iyel bisa berubah jadi manusia super baiiiiiiiik
super kaleeeeem
super romantissssssss -_-
waktu itu
gue lg bedua deh ama iyel
dia bisikin gue
dia bilang
"i love you"
"so much"
gue spechless banget sampe akhirnya gue bilang "me too"
abis itu iyel peluk gue, kenceeeeeng banget sampe sesek napas wakakak
tp iyel enak dipeluk, empuk kayak bantal hahaha
tp dia paling gasuka kalo gue nempelin dagu gue di pundaknya dia, geli katanya
buakakak mampuss lu yang
you dont know how much i love you
you make me happy when i'm sad
i dont wanna break up with you
i'm very happy have you as my boyfriend
i dont wanna loose you
you make me feel good when i hurt so bad
eh ini bukan gombal ya yel huu aku kalo ngmg ga pernah gombal, emangnya kamu HIHIHIHI nggak kok sayang, aku percaya sm kamu, sm kata-kata kamu 100%
i believe in you Iyel
i believe in your words
i know you're faithful
i trust you, so much
love is faith, isnt it?
you're faithful
you're lovable
i trust you and i love you
because you make it all better :pppp
intinya, speechless
when i'm talking about Iyel, i'm speechless
i dont know what words are best to describe him
he's too special to be written in words
i dont know
what i know is, i'm very comfortable with him
what i know is, he's the only one i've been looking for
what i know is, i couldnt tell any lies, and i dont want to tell any lies
so, when i say, "i love you iyel" it's the truth. that's what i do and that's what i feel.

Huge world, much stories, big problems, wide smiles. Welcome to my world.bernadette indah larasati, xoxo.
Selasa, 21 Juli 2009
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